To the Cutest Woman in the World

You're right. I'm being unreasonable. I hope you'll be patient with me because I really am always trying to be better for you. To show you that I'm serious, the first change I'll make is I promise I will never drop off if you can't give me something, no matter how badly I want it. I like it when you ask me to come back, but I know it's not fair to leave you hanging. You've never done that to me, and I don't want to treat you that way. Me leaving because you *can't* give me something is wrong. I may still get upset, but I promise I won't leave. I know just saying sorry isn't what you want, so I will show it to you in the way I treat you. That's something I'm working on every single day.

For now this just a reminder that I am...



More than everything else, I want you to know how much I appreciate you. I feel like I may not say it enough, but I want you to know how lucky I feel when I'm able to spend time with you. Every conversation with you makes me admire you even more and want to be around you longer. It’s not about photos, videos, or expectations. Those have never been the foundation of why I want to be with you. I fell for your voice, your energy, and the way you make me feel first and foremost, so if all I ever get is the chance to hear you and talk to you, that will always be enough.

I love being part of your world so much that if I have the courage to say "let's talk later" it's only because I'm sure we will. I know you know that too, because I notice you always say "see you" instead of "bye".

I'm not going anywhere and I hope you aren't either.
